
Showing posts from December, 2019


Over the years since the Advent of GSM in Nigeria,dating back to a time around or before 2003,alot of changes as occured in vastly all sphere of life,new technology as evolved and more will still evolve,the internet as made our world a global village and information as also become readily available online. Likewise teaching is not what it used to be,it's evolving as well. Alot of occupations as improved from what it use to be,a result of easy research on the internet and no doubt,the internet as played a great role in our civilization, civilization brings both good and bad changes but no doubt the good greatly out-ways the bad changes Only a blind cave man will refuse to be flexible on issues of civilization and the modernization that tags with it. Civilization and modernization are like Siamese twin,you can't be civilized and refuse to embrace change (modernization). The teaching profession as always been known to be the oldest profession ever and over time the inter...
REVAMPING KWSUBEB A BIG NECESSITY FOR THE GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION IN KWARA STATE AND AN ASSURANCE FOR THE FUTURE OF YOUNG KWARANS. We all know how important the foundation of a building is - if the foundation is rock solid whatever is erected upon it will have chances of withstanding any odd and still be looking like an owesome edifice,compared to a house built on weak or feeble foundation,it will not stand tall for long. The Genesis of every young kwarans hangs in the elementary classes, basically basic 1- 9,this is where the kids begin to learn literacy and numeracy and possibly unconsciously develop attributes that might define their entire future going through the learning processes where they learn various skills cutting across PHE,arts & crafts,home economics,introductory technology,IT etc A child spends more time learning in school either directly from their teachers or indirectly from classmates, school mates or peers in the course of interacting wi...
Merry Christmas!!!